Entegral Data Manager

You can turn on your data manager by following these steps:

From the Admin Dashboard

  • Integrations
  • Entegral 360 Connect
  • Toggle ON
  • Accept & Sign the Consent

Note: f you do not have a data manager already, the system should get set up witin the next 2-3 Business days, If you do not have a data manager already, then Entegral will get this set up and may need to reach out to confirm details.

Once set up, the data will flow over from Entegral whenever an estimate if created or updated within your estimating system. The system will look inthe system for the customer record and if not in BSB it will create a new record. Otherwise, if the customer alrrady exists, it will simply update with the changes (including customer name, contact info, estimate info, claim info etc.)

Some times there are errors when the system does not have enough information to match or create the customer record. These will show up in the Error log for you review. You can ignore them, fix them or move them into the proper client record.

Here is a video of how this Data Pump works within Booster

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