Source Tags

Ensuring your business's success relies on utilizing source tags effectively to track the origin of your leads within Booster.

For instance, if you distribute your Damage Tool to service providers or dealerships, establishing a source tag on that link enables visibility each time it's utilized. This tracking is invaluable for reporting, monitoring KPIs, and enhancing marketing exposure.

We offer system-generated source tags, which are automatically created when actions such as entering a repair, using the Damage Photo tool, or scheduling a calendar appointment occur. Below is a comprehensive list of our system-generated source tags.

Additionally, you have the option to create your source tags.

Please note: Tags will only show up under the MSO site if your company has one.

  • Here is a quick Video of how to create a source tag.
  • Details on how to use the source tags can be found here.

Below are the steps to create custom source tags.

Adding Source tags

Creation Date: February 28, 2024
Created By: BodyShop Booster

1. Click on Tags from your Admin Panel

Click on Tags from your Admin Panel

2. Click on Source tags

Click on Source tags

3. Click Add Source tag

Click Add Source tag

4. Add a Tag name

Add a Tag name

5. Add a description

Add a description

6. Choose a color and Click ADD

Choose a color and Click ADD
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